Boost confidence with these 3 fake-out tricks
Now that we are able to show others how to overcome obstacles (link to obstacles article), it is time to jump-start their confidence levels. We have to get others to believe in themselves as much as we believe in ourselves. The largest search engine on the planet defines confidence as “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone…” (source: An old Toyota commercial from the 80s reminds me, when it comes to confidence, “oh, what a feeling!” Are you driven to help that someone boost their confidence so they can become success stories?
Of course, the “someone” is your client.
It’s time. It’s time to help others be the best they can be by growing fearless, or at the very least, growing to the point where fear is not so stifling. Let’s face it; being stuck will not build confidence. The movement does, so get moving and get your clients to move, too.
But, how?
There are three ways to fake our way into thinking we have the confidence to succeed. I know; who wants to “fake it till you make it”? But my tips allow those who dare to try them to create new things, complete projects, reconnect with loved ones and more.
The possibilities are endless.
Because the obstacles are removed there is no limit to what anyone can do. Be daring, and border-line duplicitous. Secretly help your clients to boost their confidence with the following fake-out tricks:
- Find more positive people. Through several business-minded Facebook groups, you can suddenly find yourself around those who want to achieve greater things. Confidence is imminent when you’re in an environment (virtual or otherwise) filled with positive, goal-minded individuals. Most groups, that is, if you’re not already a member of any of them, are easy to join. Click “join”. Join to connect, comment and share value. Don’t just spam the group wall with sales pitches.
- Exercise. Studies continuously prove exercise is one of the best ways to increase confidence. If building muscles won’t increase confidence, weight-loss surely will! Don’t forget how mind-stimulating a good run can be…okay…power-walking is fine. Just move. Exercise leads to less stress and makes room for confidence to sprint its way right to you.
- Do what you like. Bake a cake. Run a race. Whatever you’d consider your hobby is what you need to have more of in your life. While you’re steadily completing the tasks related to the hobby, confidence will silently make its way into your soul. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
What a concept! I’ve just come up with three confidence-boosting ideas using fake-out tricks. Don’t try to force confidence, just leave it to the things you’re probably already doing. Stay active in groups. Hit the gym. Get into your hobbies. Being functional informs confidence that you’re attractive — now if that last statement doesn’t boost your ego, I don’t know what will. Maybe you know, though.
If you do, go ahead and share your ideas in the comments below.
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