
From Homeless Shelter to Global Success and Wealth Helper!


javay and Rosa Parks

The Late Great Mrs. Rosa Parks and the Young Javay Johnson -1996

  1. Do you feel fed-up, frustrated and furious with your personal or professional life?
  2. Do you lack the control, consistency, and courage required to live a life of success?
  3. Do you feel overwhelmed and intimidated with figuring out where to start?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, CONGRATULATIONS! Your transformation begins now! I am Javay Johnson, a Certified Life Remodel Specialist™. My team and I help people just like you to regain confidence, clarity, and commitment to living a fantastic life by showing them how to fulfill their dreams! My transformation began when I checked in to a homeless shelter in Detroit, Michigan at the age of 18. I had hit rock bottom before I had the chance to truly live my life.  I had nothing, (no possessions, no credit, no job, no car) but from that ‘nothing’ I was able to take charge of my life and eventually accomplish all goals that I set out to achieve!

*read full biography here*

If I could have victory over having nothing, imagine what I can help YOU to do! This turning point in my life has inspired me to help others through sharing my story and techniques I used to get unstuck from the rut I was in.  My first book of two “Success Is Spelled with Two C’s: The Average Person’s 20-Day Guide & Workbook to Becoming Successful” was written from the heart to give practical guidance, real results,  and insight into who you can become.

With this phenomenal Book, Training Course, or Certified Life Remodeling™ Coaching you’ll discover how to:

  • Take charge of your life
  • Increase your income
  • Overcome obstacles
  • Release emotional baggage
  • Boost confidence
  • Relive stress
  • Uncover unknown talents
  • Stop procrastination
  • Remove barriers
  • Improve social skills
  • Define your passions
  • Learn from failure
  • Mentally prepare for success
  • Handle rejection
  • How to start where you are
  • and much more…

Take the first step and download your workbook on “How to get Unstuck” today!  This awesome workbook is written with interactive and engaging teachings developed to inspire and instill lasting success principles.

If you are the self-study type, you can start by ordering “Success Is Spelled with Two C’s” today from You will feel more powerful, passionate and prepared to finally achieve your goals!  Your awesome life of success awaits you, do something today for a more successful tomorrow! Your GREATNESS awaits! Please leave a comment below!

You deserve more SUCCESS out of life! Click Here Now!


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