
Your weight-loss journey is your own: how to get over what others think

SAN MARINOIf you think your weight-loss journey is nothing to brag about, think again. Think about the courage and ambition you’ve mustered to get to the point of making a change in the first place! After January, AKA “resolution season”, feelings of inspiration often goes the way of that live Christmas tree. Think about how you’re sticking it out, and have done so this long (and how spring is about a month away!).Think about one less pound to lose, one less squat to squat or one less lunge to lunge.

You did that, only you. Not society. Not the others.

So why are you constantly comparing your weight-loss wins and losses to those of other people? Their goals might not align with yours in the slightest way. For example, a bodybuilder’s weight-loss (or weight-gain) journey is incomparable to the “I need to lose seven pounds in time for this wedding” bride-to-be. Different goals, a different journey. And it’s okay to be different!

It’s time to make your weight-loss journey about you. Here’s how:

What does your doctor say?

There is a reason for warnings and disclaimers before the start of a workout video. Physicians are trained to know what weight-loss journey is best for your body. So, assuming you’re maintaining yearly check-ups, follow what your doctor advises in terms of what to eat, what not to eat, and how many pounds you should lift. Keep in mind, your weight-loss journey is still about you, so all the advice from all the doctors in the world will not help you on your journey unless you take action. Still, follow the advice.

What about the others?

And I mean the others who might share similar weight-loss goals. Join support groups of like-minded weight-loss crusaders. Confidential weigh-ins, like those found at Weight Watchers, ensure your losing journey remains intact. Tip: while being inspired by others to drop the pounds, be careful not to turn the celebrations into comparisons. This is your weight-loss journey. It should be designed for you.

What are your reasons for losing weight?

By understanding why you want to lose weight, you will be able to make the journey your own. Start by jotting down your whys, whether it’s for health reasons – which is the reason most Americans give — or to be wedding-ready. Put purpose behind the weight-loss goals and watch the pounds melt away!

If all weight-loss crusaders focused on themselves, the journey would run a little smoother. Agree or disagree? Let me know in the comments.

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