
What happens when women support each other

IMG_4079As we celebrate Women’s History Month (and enjoy the wonderful weather most of us in the country are having!), let’s create history ourselves. We can do it, and it starts by lifting each other as we climb.

Supporting other women as they pursue their goals may seem impossible. I mean, that “crabs in a barrel” theory is real! But as with all the opt-ins found online you don’t have to subscribe to everything that appears in front of you. You don’t have to attend every event you’re invited to. I can go on, but I’m sure you’ve got the point.

I’ve got the scoop on what happens when women support each other. I’ve gotten it honestly, as I have been on the receiving end of said support. Support in the forms of sales, referrals and free advice aren’t that hard to come by. When you support your sister, you help her grow.

And when she grows, you grow. When women support each other:

We level male-dominated playing fields. Okay, so it would be a start. No surprise, women still lag behind their male boardroom counterparts. But don’t let that deter you from mentoring an up-and-coming executive. Don’t let it keep you from hearing out the ideas another sister may have.

We can pay it forward. When women support each other, paying it forward is pretty much automatic! Oprah Winfrey was blessed with the opportunity to host her own talk show, for years! It allowed her to pay it forward, and produce several talk/lifestyle shows, including The Rachel Ray show.

We receive karma, the good kind. Good deeds, when done without any expectations, are recognized. When you support another woman, that woman becomes empowered and in a position to recommend you for the goods and services you provide. If you’re a business owner, support other women already!

So, how can you begin to support other women? Buy from her. Listen to her. Let her perform the work you’d normally pay a man to do. Teach her a new skill. Give her constructive criticism. It wouldn’t hurt to stop repeating everything you hear about her, by the way. There are always three sides to any story, your side, her side, the truth.

When women support each other, we show the world that anything is possible! We lose when we subscribe to what reality television and Jerry Springer promote. Let’s win! Together.

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