The Visualized and Manifested Trip to Maui:
My beautiful cousin Gayelyn planned a destination wedding to be held on Maui, Hawaii on 11/12/2013. It was really important for me to be there for her wedding. For months, I had intended on participating and traveling to Maui for her special day although I had not booked a ticket or made reservations for lodging. In October that year, I landed a contracted job and told my cousin that for sure I would be there. However, the next month, the contract I landed ended. Not knowing what to do, and thinking about my finances for the future, I immediately let my cousin know that I would not be able to make it.
The tickets to Maui at this time were $1200.00 round trip. I simply did not have $1200.00. Sometimes things have an ironic way of working out, I do not believe in co-incidents. For whatever reason, it took longer than usual to receive my past employment paychecks that were owed to me. As a matter of fact, the contracting company and I went back and forth for an entire month to get things accurate. I was hoping that my check would be enough to cover the round-trip plane ticket. My intentions were set, I was going to Maui, even if I had to hitchhike there! LOL! I kept envisioning myself on the beach in Maui, I visualized about the plane ride. I even went and borrowed a bigger suitcase from my parents and I started packing. This was a few days before all of the family attendees were departing for the trip, and I still did not know how I was going to get there. I just kept my mind fixed upon the end result.
During this time, a close friend of mine told me that she could see what she can do about getting me a cheaper ticket and she reached out to another mutual friend to see if she was able to get me a cheaper ticket. I remember the call like it was yesterday. My friend told me that there was good news and bad news. There were no more coach seats left and for an extra $100.00 I would have to fly first class! I bought my ticket on a Friday and left for Maui that following Sunday. I flew to Maui at an unbelievable discounted rate of $400.00. As a matter of fact, I am the only one that attended the wedding, that was the least likely to show up who flew first-class! What a miracle!
I secured my lodging and surprised my cousin who had no clue that I would be there. The expression on my cousin’s face was priceless when she saw me! At this point, I am convinced that what I am doing and what is happening is working! Try it for yourself and feel free to report back to me with your results!!!