This month marks the premiere of the television classic Full House’s remix, “Fuller House”. It will be shown on Netflix, a far cry fro the ABC TGIF days of the 90s and those twins who played the role of baby sister Michelle are nowhere to be found. Still, fans of the original series are virtually lining up to log onto the newer network to see most of the cast and begin reminiscing on one accord. I’m guessing some of you can sing the catchy theme song without missing a beat.
Sometimes, the past needs to be left in the past though.
Ephesians 4 suggests that those of you holding on to the past “strip yourselves of your former nature…” but I’m going to guess that an affinity for Full(er) House is harmless. However, there are other types of pasts that should be left behind, and we are well into 2016 and some of you promised to leave some things in the former year. It’s not too late! Should you leave some of the past behind? How about all of it? Read on to find out:
Does the past get in the way of your present?
Baggage. The term baggage never sounds positive. Anytime the word is used, it’s almost always followed by a tirade about not letting go of people or things, and about leaving the past in the past. The past is probably blocking your present progression if the word baggage is used when discussing it. So, if the past was fueled by negativity, and it puts you in a negative place, put it behind you already and move on.
Could it help improve the future?
Learning moments could come from the past. Like, remember the time a grandparent gave such priceless advice or thinking back on any time spent with an aging loved one. Revisiting certain pasts can help you understand what matters in life. Should you feel your vote won’t count in the upcoming elections, think about how people of color — and women period! — had to fight for the right to make it into a voting booth.
Is it just a waste of space?
When in doubt, throw it out! If the aspect in question leaves you wondering why you’re holding onto it, let it go. There are more memories to make, with better people, places, and things. I can assure you unless you catch a case of amnesia, that past is reachable if you ever need it.
Simply put, if the past is still useful, bringing it along for your current ride shouldn’t hurt. If that past offers nothing more than bad memories to fill your head, it’s time to give it its walking papers…do not let it pass go, don’t allow it to collect a dime.
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