
The Truth about Open-ended Questions


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While close-ended questions are those that are answered by a simple “yes”, “no,” or any given multiple-choice answers, open-ended questions are those which get to the root of a problem – and eventually, a solution. In my profession of helping others find their center (and perhaps you are here to learn about life coaching as well), open-ended questions are one of several important tools of the trade. Here’s why:

Feelings are revealed

When it is suggested to “tell me about a time when…” the answers can ignite an array of feelings, from embarrassment to sadness. That’s just how powerful open-ended questions can be!  However, revealing feelings can be the first step into reaching solutions. Open-ended questions like these are often the foundation of an insightful conversation between a client and a professional. You simply cannot touch a nerve as deeply with a “yes” or “no” answer.

Getting to the root of problem

Now that the open-ended questions have begun, there is an awakening that will allow for the discovery of deeper issues the client may have. Oftentimes, open-ended questions and their answers reveal a problem the client didn’t know existed. Imagine the good work you can do when the root of a problem is revealed!

Solving the problem

With the outcomes that may occur from asking open-ended questions, your client will be able to learn effective problem-solving techniques. It has been proven that even children become enabled by learning problem-solving. According to the International Children’s Education website, “the more problem-solving a child does, the stronger her cognitive processes become and the more adept she might be at interpreting knowledge” (source:

Things to know when asking open-ended questions

When conducting open-ended question and answer sessions, one must allow respondents to respond in their own words. Do not suggest “the right answer”. In fact, there usually aren’t any right or wrong answers to open-ended questions. Clients should be free to answer honestly as this will help reach the root of the problem.  In case you haven’t already discovered the root of the problem, your client can assist with this by simply answering open-ended questions.

Additionally, open-ended questions require patience. Since analyzing the answers could require more time it is important to exercise patience when listening to all answers of open-ended questions.  Unlike closed-ended questions, open-ended ones can be difficult to understand. Clients may take a substantial amount of time to respond, and some clients may not answer them at all.

Still, you owe it to your coaching practice and to your clients to ask open-ended questions. What will you ask so that clients will grow in sync with their feelings, get to the root of their problems and hopefully come to a resolution? Leave a comment below.

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One comment

  1. Thanks Javay, while thinking about the questions that I would ask I started to think about open ended questions that I’ve been asked that has helped me to assess certain situations in my life, one being “what is one thing that I have done that I’m proud of”. When I reflected on this I discovered some valuable information about myself. It was an eye opener.

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