
What happens when we learn a new skill

learn a new skill

Learning a new skill does something to me. I feel inspired, energized and crave for more. It reminds me of the power we have within as women. It reminds me of the all-female pilot team, who made history simply by learning a new skill:

When we learn something new — from baking an elaborate cake, to playing a game on a new app, to traveling abroad, to HTML — we are transforming our lives! How powerful is that?

We are stronger than we may realize. But, we must learn something new in order to get to that realization. Here’s what can happen when women learn a new skill:

We live longer
Learning something new keeps the brain stimulated, and could eventually prevent or prolong the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Think about it (no pun intended), but when you are giving your mind a workout, like every other body part, it can only grow stronger.

We expand our network connections
Are you job hunting? Building a business? If so then you are already aware of the importance of networking. Imagine how much of an ice-breaker a new skill can be! If you are learning code and meet a developer, you could possibly land an interview. You’re more likely to get your foot in the door if your resume shows you’ve learned coding, so add it in there.

We can teach others
As women, we are all about helping others. Learning a new skill will better allow us to teach and reach more people! Be sure to expedite the learning process by example: present documents, videos, and images so that anyone you’re willing to teach can learn your new skill!

If the last time you’ve learned something was in a classroom, as a teen, it’s high time you learn something new. It’s never too late, and there’s no such thing as over-learning. Your new task is just a Google search away. What new skill will you learn today? Declare it in the comments.

Class dismissed.


Comments (19)

  1. Hello,Happy everyday!

  2. 祝你一切安好

  3. 不知道说啥,开心快乐每一天吧!

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